Sunday, November 21, 2010

No Escape

This is the one I feel like I'll never escape, so I decided to toss it up. I don't understand why, but it seems like everyone falls in love with the Spidey head shot. It took very little effort and even less time to complete, but is probably the best thing I've done to date in some funny way.


This is a little on the rough side, but I kinda like it. It was the result of having a lot of fun with whatever materials were in front of me at the time. Graphite and non photo blue pencils, brush tip marker, and pigment liners. If my crayons had been handy, it probably would have been in full color. And Everybody loves zombies! Everybody. There isn't a nerd standing (okay, most likely sitting) that doesn't have a zombie contingency plan. Good ahead, ask one, I'll wait. Hell, I carry a copy of the zombie survival guide with me everywhere I go.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The image used to make the banner. Spidey's fun to scribble no matter what.

Ol' blue eyes

I hate the Thing.
Okay, that's not entirely true. I hate drawing the Thing. He's an exercise in tedium and wrist cramps at the best of times. I am however, kind of fond of the character himself. So every great once in a while I get the urge to scribble him down. Usually I'm smart enough to fight the urge, recently not so much.