Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hal con Spidey and vote geek

Another Hal Con sketch, this one from sunday afternoon. Just a little Spidey/Rhino action in non repro blue. If there's anyone out there with some photoshop chops that would like to be a rockstar and give this the digital ink/full color treatment hit me up and I'll send the high res scan along. Color is not my strong point in the least... By a long shot. I'd love to find a colorist to bounce some lineart back and forth with in the near future. There are a few things I have in mind and know that I couldn't do them justice myself. If anyone has interest or knows someone who might, please direct them both here and to the ol' email, northend(at) Just toss something like "interested colorist" or the like in the subject line.

Also, on an unrelated note, to all the geeksploited out there Geeks versus Nerds needs your support. Go here and vote. Everyday. They could really use the funding to upgrade equipment, host more events, and possibly be able to start touring the show to conventions. If you've found your way here, this is your tribe whether you've realized it yet or not. Show some love.

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